Shooting Against the Wall

Tactical Problem:  Creating space in order to shoot the ball

Skill Development:  Following through on the shot

Teaching Points: 


  • Creating space to shoot the ball



  • Students will work on being up on their toes when shooting and concentrate on not shooting from the shoulder.
  • Hand in the cookie jar (follow-through)
  • Power from the legs
  • Arm's distance from the wall

Students shooting ball against the wall (above)

Students shooting against the wall with partner behind (tunnel vision-above)

Organizational Points:
  • Students will find a space on the wall.
  • On teacher's command, students will get into shooting position and shoot ball onto the wall.
  • Students will aim to be on their toes after they have shot the ball.


  • Instruct student's to find a partner.
  • Student's take turns; one is the shooter, the other stands behind them with their hands above their shoulders.
  • Shooter's concentrate on not shooting from the shoulder
